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July 19, 2011
Who wants to take part in my threesome today?
Now that’s a loaded question, isn’t it?
It’s Menage a Blog, baby. What’s that, you ask? My, my. (You guys aren’t THAT innocent, are you?)
This is where you leave a comment below and receive…a free book. I know, a bubble-burster, isn’t it?
In Leah's Wake 
Well, there’s also a chance at a free Kindle…now that’s kinda hot, isn’t it?
I’m sharing my day with two hotly talented writers on either side of me: Terri Guiliano Long and her amazing book In Leah’s Wake, a truly incredible novel about the story of a family, their rebellious daughter Leah, and the effects an out-of-control teen can have on the dynamics of loving yet imperfect family. I found Terri’s writing so insightful and captivating – I hope you’ll visit the blog of this great writer and leave a comment to receive this terrific book. You don’t want to miss your chance, do you?
And Lacey Weatherford who writers the YA Witches and Warlocks Series. I read The Trouble with Spells and found it so incredibly well-written, charming, and romantic with superb action. I was thoroughly engrossed in just a few pages and that doesn’t happen very often. When the book ended I found myself thankful there were more in the series! You want to visit Lacey’s site and pick up her book today also – she’s terrific.
The Trouble With Spells
So what about my book? Well, this tour you can receive a copy of the new book I coauthored with my Indie Book Collective cofounders and successful indie authors Carolyn McCray and Amber Scott (on the tour this week on Monday so grab their latest releases also!) titled Dollars & Sense: The Definitive Guide to Self-Publishing Success. This is the bestselling soup-to-nuts guide to get you in the know on all aspects self-publishing: writing, content, formatting, cover art, social media, blogging, developing your platform, marketing…really everything!

  • And it’s free, here, today by leaving a comment and your email in the comments below, baby.
Dollars & Sense: The Definitive Guide to Self-publishing Success 

  • Again, leave me your email and I’ll send you a copy. Got it? No email, no bookie wookie.

  • Plus, your comment is your automatic entry into our free Kindle contest. Easy, right? Visit each of the twelve participating author’s blogs (three each day), comment, and receive twelve entries.
Wow. I just did math.

  • You’re also eligible to receive a gift basket from ME. What is it? Cool stuff. Stuff any author or reader will enjoy. Things like….oh now what fun is it if I tell you? Part of the winning is the surprise, right? And how do you win? Tell me what your biggest fear is with regard to social media — total honesty. I’ll choose one winner based on your answer to this specific question — so dig deep. (Okay, maybe two winners. Yes, definitely two. 🙂
If you’d like to read reviews about Dollars & Sense, please visit these amazing reviewers and tour sponsors:  
Good E-Reader

Bonnie Eugene (Chicago Culture/Arts Examiner) 

Questions? Comments? Write em below. I’m here all day and night for some hot, flirty fun, baby. And don’t forget to share me with your friends. #okwait 

See, technically this is a contest, and whoever receives the most comments moves on to the final um, well, I don’t know quite what to call it…but I’m avoiding the words “orgy of love” at all costs. 

Oh snap. 

(are you sensing a pattern here?)

I’m on several other sites as well, and even Google+ (though I’m kind of hiding out from that one to be honest. Is it just me, or is Google becoming a bit Skynet-like?) 

Step into my iparlor…
  1. Wow first comment (that's the advantage of living in Wales, we are a few hours ahead) and a great question – biggest fear of social media is that time spent on Twitter, FB and n ow Google+ does not convert into improved writing, so the challenge is to learn from the wealth of tips and ideas and be inspired to become a better writer

  2. So mean not telling us what's in the prize baskets.  My biggest fear with social media has got to be accidentally putting something out there I never meant to.  I can handle being boring, I hate being embarrassed/humiliated.  

  3. Hello Rachel…I am in. I want to be a part of your threesome. I want a book. Maybe a basket and a Kindle… I have social media fears. Not as big as my social phobias, but fears nonetheless…I am afraid that my efforts will not result in better writing, better exposure or better sales. Oh, and that the kid I was mean to in fourth grade will tack me down. Otherwise, Im good.

  4. Hi Rachel, I'm relaunching my authoring career after a five year break when I was renovating our new home in France and building up a business. And it's all changed! It's all self-publishing and author platforms these days – I need all the help I can get. It's great that there are lots of encouraging gurus like you out there. My email is

  5. Jessica Subject permalink

    My biggest fear with social media is that I'll type something incorrectly and make myself look foolish. Also, stalkers. The bad kind.

    Best of luck with the blog tour!


  6. Awesome giveaway! 

  7. Mariya K. permalink

    It's a great event! And I love the idea of reading your book. Here is my email:
    forestlove at abv dot bg
    Regarding your question: My biggest fear about social media is that they may endanger my privacy

  8. Judie permalink

    You are probably the most equiped person for a flirt off, with all the snark and such for speedy comebacks;)

    My biggest social media fear, one I deal with at least once a week, is accidentally hitting the publish button before I'm ready for the world to see my post/comments/etc.

    I am also seriously behind on my Facebook skills (great on personal site, not so great on the bookish version) #workingonit

    Good luck with the tour!

  9. I flove the idea of this tour!  What fun!  And the fact that you're giving away all of your tricks of the trade is so awesome.  You rock.  Good luck on the Orgy of Love (oops)

    As for my biggest fear, man, it's hard.  There's the fear that my great Aunt Geri will figure out that I write porn, and the fact that I have a terrible case of foot in mouth syndrome and am likely to piss of someone at any given moment.  I think my biggest fear though is that I have a kid on the autism spectrum.  how much should I talk about that.  Am I betraying her privacy by discussing it publicly?  Will her friends/teachers/boyfriends find my blogs someday and judge her for it, esp if they didn't know before/.  But on the other hand it is a very real and important part of my life.  Not talking about it would be like not telling you about being married or that I have brown hair.  It's a really hard line to walk.

    Ok, well that's enough sharing from me.  My email is PavartiDevi @ gmail.Thanks!

  10. aobibliophile permalink

    hi Rachel! stopping by to show my support for you, Lacey and Terri. good luck to you all. this is so much fun!

    now with regard to social media, it would have to be the scourge of public humiliation. that's why i try to be as anonymous as possible – my personal life that is. c”,)


  11. James R permalink

    Whoever thought a blank page was frightening never met social media…that stuff is scary and in your face and there's no digital correction fluid; once it is out there deletion is impossible.  Oops…sorry, one fit of pique for all the world to see and see and see again. 


  12. Meg permalink

    Your blog post for this tour s by far one of my favorites so far. I love the way you mixed flirting and humor so perfectly with each other. 

    In regards to my fear of social media, I am always afraid someone will take my words and pictures offline and post them somewhere without my knowledge so that more than just my family and friends are able to see them. My dad is always warning me about identity theft and be careful what you post. It scares me everytime I put a new picture or post up. 

  13. Kkellijo permalink

    My biggest fear is I will send out a work email to the wrong person.

  14. Hi there! Gotta have the Dollars and Sense Guide. IBC sounds way too knowledgeable on indie publishing to miss, ESP when it's free!

  15. I would love to read a copy of your bookie wookie (I also love saying bookie wookie).

    My biggest fear with social media is born from me being an aunt to several kids who have been getting into websites like Facebook and YouTube. I'm always scared that they're going to be taken advantage of and I can't even consider the idea of some pervert getting their picture. That sends me into a panic attack. No joke!

    Haha yes! Google might just be Skynet in disguise! Ok, that's a little scary…

    Good luck to you!

    bookishardour [at] gmail [dot]  com

  16. Elizabeth permalink

    Hey Rachel.  I'm excited about Day 2 and looking forward to the rest of the week.  Menage a Blog has been a blast so far.  In regard to social media, my biggest fear is that once something is out there in Internet space for the world to see, it's there to stay, for better or for worse.  Good luck!

  17. Ann Mauren permalink

    When it comes to “Dollars” (of which I have precious few) and “Sense” (something I have even less of than actual dollars), I’ll take all the help I can get!
    Maxwell Cynn's review of Dollars & Sense had me at “makes the huge amount of information easy to digest,” but the chance to grab a free copy had me positively scurrying over to!  I am excited to absorb all of the effective, field tested tips and looking forward to having more than a few ‘a-ha!’ moments along the way.  Thank you so much!
    Now, as for my biggest fear with regard to social media:  inadvertent toe squashing.  You can’t please all of the people all of the time—but you can sure peeve-off a few folks with just the right sort of quickly keyed flippancy.  Now that Twitter provides lovely and convenient (I’m being sarcastic here) email notations of updates to each user referenced within a tweet, there’s no way to truly delete a misstep once you hit the send button.  It becomes a historical document for the ages. This scares me – a lot.
    Thanks again for the fantastic give-away!

  18. Diana Giote permalink

    Very beautiful tour!!!

    I don't really have a fear with social media. I try to be carefully, I don't use my photos or many information about me. I have sent wrong email to the wrong person and I have feel stupid. Maybe I fear that I spent more time to internet lately than before and I don't really like that.

    Thank you very much!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  19. Vanyel K permalink

    Lol Google has already surpassed Skyent. They've taken over the world and no-one cares! My fear with social media is I will actually become more isolated. What do I mean by that? You spend all this time connecting with people but it is structured in particular ways. What happens when you actually talk to a person in real life? Do you poke them? Also if you're online all the time it means you make less effort to talk them in person (especially if you live far apart). It gets pretty lonely at times and yet they are all there online.

    Anyway enough doom and gloom I love this tour. I've never done a blog tour before and just started twitter so I hope i did that right. Sign me up for any/all competitions and would love a book

  20. Elizabeth permalink

    Hey Rachel, I've already made a previous comment, but wanted to add that I have your books “Dollars & Sense” and “A Walk in the Snark.”  It would be great to receive a different one during Menage a Blog.  Thanks!

  21. Eileen Burmester permalink

    I have had a fear of social media since, I signed up for Facebook. My daughter's Facebook account got hacked last year and her email was taken over as well. I was able to recover her email and regained her profile. The hacker did not write anything mean on her account. Her friend's Facebook got hacked also (On the same day-Coincidence?????) but he was not able to recover the account. They wrote horrible things on his. Eventually Facebook deleted the profile and he started a new one. Ever since then we change our passwords frequently. We have a suspicion who it is but we can not prove it! Why do some people have to be so mean!!!

    Has anyone saw the movie Cyperbully it is on tomorrow on ABC family. Check it out it is an eye opener and everyone should watch it!!!

    eileen at

  22. Elliott2668 permalink

    Love your post:)
    And to your question,To say for reals.
    I dont think i have a fear of the media.. I really dont follow to much.
    I do have fears tho and Snakes are one..hehe i know i didnt really anserw your question.. Sorry

    Thank you for the giveway!

  23. Maggie permalink

    My biggest fear of social media is just the lack of privacy.  I don't think that everyone in the world needs to know what I am doing every minute of the day. 

    Thanks in advance for the book.

  24. Vanessa permalink

    My biggest fear with social media is that people I don't want to find me will.

  25. Erik permalink

    Thanks for the free book…I think it will be very helpful!! I think my biggest fear of social media is having my private info hacked.  I really hate when someone gets a hold of an account and starts sending out spam. 

    Erik  (balitiger at yahoo dot com)

  26. Marjorie McAtee permalink

    OMG Google is totally SkyNet like. That whole Google+ just freaks me right the eff  out. I've got my fingers crossed they screw it up somehow.
    My biggest fear about social media is that there won't be anyone to wrap me in warm towels and hold ice to my lips on the day (and it's coming) when Facebook is no more.

  27. Marsha permalink

    The biggest fear when dealing with social media is, there is no privacy. Settings on Facebook seem to change on a whim and what you had hidden for friends only, gets posted everywhere on the net. I guess the best thing is the old adage “don't put anything on the 'net that you don't want seen by everyone, everywhere, forever more”.  Thanks for the free ebook. I look forward to reading it!


    greatest fear for social media – that it becomes more social ,less productive for me as a writer, and then having to pull back and losing the visibility that had been built up 

    can't wait to read your book


  29. Cardinoles permalink

    My biggest fear about social media is what effect its going to have on my 8 year old daughter and her generation. Since she is so young she really has not been exposed to social media (at least not in my household). But the things I see teens doing and posting about themselves online is just scary. They are not mature enough to realize that what they post today may come back to haunt them 10 or 15 years from now. I'm hoping that her generation will be the ones to buck the trend.
    Laura G.                                                                                                          

  30. My biggest fear with regards to social media is letting it take over my life. Between blogging, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and yo' mama's latest and greatest invention that will make all the others passe in about 2 minutes, how does one manage all of them? Juggling real life, a job, family, health, etc., while hunched over in front of a computer/laptop/tablet/iPhone all the time makes me feel like I'm bordering on split-personalities and requires a time-warp or several different instantiations of myself.

    Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
    rlconnolly01 [at]

  31. Rhonda Helton permalink

    My biggest fear with social media is my mom is such a Facebook junkie now that she never has time for anything else, my kids don`t have a grandma like I did growing up and it is so sad to see how everything changes. What kind of parents and grandparents will my kids be? I hope we all can stop and take time to see this and start changing it! Our kids need us, once they are grown it is too late. Thanks for the giveaway.

  32. My biggest fear of social media pertains to no longer having a life that is  The pressure to answer, blog,read, keeps one up,on line longer than neccessary.  Privacy? Gone!

    Thank you for the wonderful contest and the chance to win a kindle!

    nblack at twcny dot rr dot com

  33. Readergirls permalink

    I have to agree with others that my biggest fear is lack of privacy. Do we really have to post every picture and tell the world what we're doing all the time? 

    Thank you for the giveaway.


  34. I just sent you the email Rhonda w/ the book. Great question and answer. Very insightful. It's a two-sided coin. More in my email. 

  35. Yea, agreed. There's already two of me. I've cloned myself. One drinks vodka, the other coffee. Although they're both snarky bitches so….

    Anyway, thanks for participating and I'll send you the copy in a little while. 🙂 

  36. I can TOTALLY relate. I have a 12-yr old girl myself. She's not allowed ANY social media or even a phone w/ internet access. Sounds strict (& I'm shocked at how many of her friends have FB & Twitter accounts) but no way. We've already experienced cyberbullying when she briefly had a private FB account only for a small circle of FB friends. I pulled it after 2 weeks. Parents have NO idea what their kids are up to. 

    But I do. 🙂 

  37. Thx thin mint. As always, you rock. It IS a struggle, but w/ set hours & scheduling (via Hootsuite or Tweetdeck) it's entirely possible to work it all out. Doing it all live (okay that sounds funny 🙂 becomes impossible. That's what we discuss in the book. 

    Visit me anytime, luv. 

  38. Marsha, agree completely. I'm admittedly not a huge FB fan for that reason. I've had my own privacy issues so I prefer Twitter, blogging, & other social media platforms that I find to be as interactive w/o all the complications. That said, as a writer, it is a critical marketing component to any author platform. I wish they'd streamline it tho. You're 100% right on there. 🙂 

  39. I know, right? I finally saw (part of ) the final TERMINATOR movie the other day & that Skynet is a tricky player. Insidious. (Whispers: Blogger is a Google product. They might be coming for me at any time. Shhhh.) 


  40. Hey, Beautiful. I posted before, but blogger android wouldn't play nice. I don't see the comment, so I guess they're not speaking.

    Great post, and great book.

    My fear isn't Skynet, though we may create AI that doesn't like us. Mine is more along the lines of the Borg–a collective network or virtual mob. We all know how well mobs behave.

    Google+ Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

    See? They already have me!

  41. My biggest social media fear is someone hacking onto my facebook and posting the link to some porn site or something. I have a few family members that would probably die of shock before I could tell them it wasn't me.

  42. The thing about social media, and online connectedness in general, is that there is less and less time when we are NOT connected. We take our iPads and iPhones to bed with us, and check in last thing at night and first thing in the morning, even when we don't post. 

    I'm looking forward to the book!

  43. Jwitt33 permalink

    I agree with lack of privacy, but my biggest fear is that my big mouth will say something stupid that everyone will see, forever and ever and ever … It hasn't happened yet, thank God, but I have seen other people say things in anger that really made them look bad and I thought, that could be me! So I really try to think many time before posting something to make sure it can't be taken wrong or that it's not too critical or bitchy before I hit send.

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  44. Thx Tony 🙂 Sent you the book & email last nite. Appreciate your early responsiveness & answer. The best prompt is to write your damn book! As we say in the book, social media is kind of like a reward after all the writing is done. Don't get into analysis paralysis 🙂 

  45. One of my biggest fears is that people will stop taking time to do things outside and take care of themselves .  My children are 18 & 19 and they have grown up with computers at home there whole life and I have had to fight to get them to go outside and do something. With a weight problem myself I  fight everyday to  go to the gym and take care of myself and I encourage my kids to do the same. I just worry about the direction the world is heading. 
    Thanks for the contest I can't wait to check out your book 

  46. Sorry, don't mean to be mean :)) Remember, there is a delete button on both FB & Twitter. That isn't to say someone hasn't read it before you can delete it, but it IS there. But I get what you're saying. I find Twitter to be very forgiving though. There are some sticklers, but I just ignore them #hehe

  47. I am here to tell you, Jack that the majority of my blog visitors come from Twitter. I established a solid author platform before my first book was even released last year using blogging, Twitter, and Facebook. I added Goodreads & LinkedIn but the first three are still my mainstay. 

    And yea, people track you down. But that doesn't mean you have to say hello. 🙂 Block is a wonderful thing.

  48. Elenya Lewis permalink

    I read your post over at Indigo Skye and I agree so much about learning to write like your parents won't read it. Having a pseudonym to hide behind has brought out everything I want to say and I'm having so much fun saying it.
    Your book about self-publishing sounds incredibly useful and I look forward to reading it!

  49. Yes, it HAS changed Stephanie. What's interesting is that it's changed even for traditional authors as well. I had lunch w/ a traditionally pub'd author at SXSW this year & she was completely freaked by how her publishing house has literally pushed her into doing all her own marketing. She was at a loss as to what to do, where to start… 

    I believe indie authors have a clear advantage now because we know (lr can learn) to establish our platform. We are a test run before a house ever sees us. Or just ignore the house and keep doing your own thing & keep every penny. 

  50. Thanks Jessica. I don't know that you could ever look foolish–you're so professional and supportive of authors. But I get what you're saying. We do put ourselves out there. I enjoy that risk — it's fun for me. Well, for #badredhead anyway. She's just drawn that way. 

    Stalkers are real, but we ignore them and they hopefully go away. You never know what will set someone off. We can't live in fear is my only advice on that. Believe me, I know. 🙂 

  51. Writer Chick permalink

    Rachel, I”ve heard great things about your book from Regan Black, so I can't wait to read it too! My biggest fear about social media? That the leaves in my neighborhood will eventually block everyone's homes because we're too busy raking virtual leaves on Farmville to notice! Oh, and that once you post something, for better or worse, it's out there. So pay attention and don't post on crazy days! kjusten dot justwrite at gmail dot com

  52. Thx for your comment Jc. Yes, I've seen many a Twitter fight and even all-out campaigns to ruin someone's rep. It's sad. I believe we all need to focus on ourselves in that regard — be Tinkerbell to an extent — and realize we don't really know these people for the most part. 

    If it's a business situation gone awry, sure, social media can be helpful, i.e., poor customer service. But using one's manners is still important no matter the venue. And for goodness sakes, have a sense of humor (says the humorist 🙂

  53. I get that. I think of it like karma — you put out what you get back. I write A LOT of personal stuff on my blog & in my book A WALK IN THE SNARK but I don't really share much on Facebook. I'm usually humor girl on Twitter. It's all about what you send out and ultimately, that's under your control. 

    I teach a free social media web workshop each month for the Indie Book Collective (aka @indiebookIBC ) and we discuss branding in-depth. If you want to sign up, email for more deets. 

  54. Pam_lash permalink

    I'm looking forward to reading your book.  TFS! My fear for social media is that people will stop interacting on a personal basis and use technology as a platform for all social contact.  When I was doing Master's Ed work, we were required to read an essay called “The Degathering of Society” c2003.  Many of the warnings there have come to fruition.

  55. Aw thx girl. As for the post/comments etc, remember you can ALWAYS edit. I go back to my posts & edit frequently. Nothing is ever set in stone. Even comments you've left elsewhere usually have an edit button if you sign back in (trade secret). So you can chill there. 

    If fact, if you install DISQUS (like I have here), and follow the people you've left comments for, I think you can edit from the dashboard. It's a pretty awesome tool. 

    I agree on FB. I do have a RACHELINTHEOC account, not a page. That's for many reasons, biggest one being time. My 12yo is dying to start one for me — leave it to the next generation, baby. 🙂 

  56. iarvd permalink

    With my kids growing up now my biggest social media fear is that they won't be able to communicate with other people in person properly.  It seems that everywhere I look kids today communicate via Facebook, Twitter, or texting on their cell phones!  It's kinda sad really cause I have had too many kids to my house that honestly do not realize that the inflection they put on the spoken word can totally change a person's reception to the comment.

  57. Tweezle permalink

    Thank you for your generous book offer! For me, my greatest fear is lack of privacy and how that will not only affect me, but also my family. At the drop of a hat, the privacy policies change, places get hacked, viruses get sent, spy bots are unknowingly downloaded, etc. All of a sudden, personal info is out there and it's a bit scary.
    Again, thanks for the awesome giveaway and contest!

  58. Pavarti, those are touching, real questions. I can tell you that I struggled with the very same issues when I decided to include my “D” posts in my book A WALK IN THE SNARK, about my ex-love's suicide. Was I exploiting something intensely private? Would it hurt his family? What would others think?

    Ultimately, I went with my gut. It felt right to share my point of view because it was unique. And yea, I do get slammed occasionally. Oh well. More often than not, people open up to you instead. 

    But that has to be YOUR decision. Only you can tell YOUR story. 

  59. Ha, I don't feel that personally (but I'm not embarrassed easily either). But I respect and admire your stance. You're so giving of your time and support for authors — we appreciate what you do and everything you do invest, AO. Thanks babes. 

  60. To a certain extent, yes. I do delete tweets & FB posts all the time, actually. Dumb spelling or grammar errors (yes, even me:), or people tag me in something, or someone is just stupid (sometimes that someone is me). 

    I've also learned to schedule in my tweets and posts, which gives an extra measure of security and review. I use Hootsuite for the most part — and live tweet/FB when I can. This not only allows me to write/riff/create but gives me the chance to spellcheck, calm down, drink vodka. 


  61. Thx so much, Meg #yourock 

    I can understand that fear. Once it's out there, who knows where exactly it goes, right? There's a certain leap of faith you have to take, and there are a lot of creeps out there. Dad is always right. 

    Use your most stringent security settings on FB for photos — I do — and keep them to a minimum on other sites if you can. 

    One friend pastes a COPYRIGHT on all his pix & does something that prevents them from being copied. He's very techie. I'll have to find out how he does that. 

  62. Anne permalink

    My biggest fear about social sites is that some wacko finds me interesting enough to stalk.  Unlikely, but you do read about it.

    Thank you for the book.  I don't think I'll ever write anything, but ya never know.

  63. Now THAT is scary. I'm always doublechecking email addresses. I watch my tongue, too. You can never be too careful. 

  64. Chrystal permalink

    I enjoyed your post.  Your short synopsis of In Leah's Wake although concise, was quite powerful. I am so looking forward to reading this interesting story. Believe it or not, it sounds like a page out of a real life family I know, who are currently experiencing the effects of an out-of-control teen age daughter.

    I suspect my biggest fear with social media, would have to be the exposure and also the lack of exposure.

  65. Thx woman. We're still always learning and updating ourselves, honest! In fact, the version I'm sending out to folks is the THE most updated edition (not the one out on Amazon right now) and we still have more to add. Social media & publishing change practically weekly so it will be a constant project. 

  66. My biggest fear about the whole social media is that it will becomes a huge toilet bowl where everyone is free to take a cr*p without cleaning up behind themselves. You can see it happening already and seriously, I can't imagine what social media will be like 5 years from now. Either a police state or complete anarchy.

  67. Thx honey. It goes beyond the pix, too. As you well know. I have two kids of my own & we've schooled our tween girl to the point that she's allowed no social media whatsoever but…we can't keep them in a cocoon. They have to know what's out there, unfortunately. It's a scary ass world sometimes. Your fears are well-founded. 

    But you (or their parents) can be smart about it. Constant monitoring and education is key. The internet is an amazing tool and I love all it offers. It's what you take from it that affects your life. 

  68. Chrystal permalink

    Pardon me, in my haste to provide my comment, I apparently forgot my manners.  Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway and the contest opportunity.

  69. Yep, well-founded fear. Though, as I've said previously, there IS a delete button on pretty much every site. That doesn't capture what people have seen, but you can prevent future viewing. 

    Also, be smart. In the heat of the moment, walk away from the computer. Best advice I can give. 🙂 

  70. It's true, I see it in my own house and with my kids. And yet, there's something endearing about watching them all crowd around a dance video on someone's iPhone and then doing the moves that makes it all okay. They're still kids & no different than what our folks did in the 50s with TV, that new contraption, right? 

  71. Suzette Lavine permalink

    I'm currently working on a nonfiction book, and I think this will help me explain to my co-author why the vanity publisher she thinks we should sign with is a bad idea!

  72. Thx Ann for your wonderful response. Max is great — we love him. And actually, you can delete a tweet once it's sent out, though you're right, once it's been RTd, you're SOL. That's why I write out my tweets, schedule them in, review them (I use Hootsuite). I talk about it in the free social media workshop I do for the Indie Book Collective & we discuss it in the book. 

    A far better use of our time as writers, also. 

    And yes, walk away from the computer if heated. Deep breaths. I find vodka helps. 🙂 

  73. Thx Diana. It is a practiced skill set, just like anything else. Learning as adults is challenging because we typically fight change. I think you'll find this book helpful. 🙂 

  74. Awesome, thanks for your honesty. I've had people question “why are you online at 3am? Aren't you sleeping?” and NO, I'M NOT. I schedule in my tweets. That's the best secret I can share (& we discuss in the book). Bank in what you want to say, say it, and get out. The social interaction is great, when I have time to devote — IF my writing for the day is done, IF I've met my other commitments. 

    It's also convenient that you can answer emails & social media on the fly, wherever you are. So if you must interact away from home, while out and about or w/ friends, it's completely doable. I even schedule tweets from my iPhone by the pool. 

    You control it. It doesn't control you. 

  75. Thx Elizabeth. If I had another one of mine to give you, honey, I totally would. I'm working hard on THE MANCODE: A SURVIVOR'S TALE but not there yet. 

    Dollars and Sense was actually just released a few weeks ago and hasn't toured yet. Sorry you've already got it — but maybe the gift basket and/or chance at a free Kindle will float your boat? 

    And finally, there are TWELVE authors on this tour, so you can receive free books from all of them just by visiting all their blogs and leaving a comment. Visit for all the deets. 

    Cool? Thanks again for participating. 

  76. Thx Eileen. Scary stuff! I'm not a huge FB fan myself. I hope they've fixed some of those security issues since then. My tween had a private account for a nanosecond & was cyberbullied by a classmate. I closed her account and that was that. 

    However, I did contact the classmate's father, who had no idea his daughter had a public account. Or some racy pics (she's 12 years old). I was appalled. I figured he would be too. Not much was done is all I have to say about that. 

    We shall watch the movie. Thx for the heads up. 

  77. Yea, I'm not big into spiders myself. Snakes are a close second! Thanks for your answer. 

  78. MCB permalink

    Can't wait to read the book. Oh, and my biggest fear regarding social media – saying something so incredibly idiotic that I . . . you get the idea.

  79. Emily Ward permalink

    I used to post on Facebook maybe once or twice a week, but now that I see how useful it might be in marketing my writing, I'm on it more often. My biggest fear is I'll keep updating and interacting, and nothing will ever happen. I'll post everyday and never get any followers and I'll feel like I've wasted hours of my time when I could have been writing :-p

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    emilyannward at yahoo dot com 🙂

  80. I agree Maggie. Which is why I don't post that kind of stuff, and rarely follow people who do. For me, it's all about branding, keywords, what's interesting to me as a writer, and what I hope to provide to my readers/followers. 

    If someone shares that they ate chocolate for lunch, I better hear that it gave them an orgasm or I'm outta there. 

  81. Angelabaker211 permalink

    This is great, just what I need when I finish my book! YEA for Indie-Authors!

  82. I've heard that from many people. There are lots of ways to block people (on blogs, FB, and Twitter, etc.) so there's a certain measure of security to prevent them from interacting with you. But just by breathing you can be Googled. This is our world. It's what you make of it, babes. 🙂 

  83. Terri permalink

    On to the orgy, my dear. Rachel Thompson ROCKS, friends – even if she is the (ahem) competition. And Dollars & Sense is the most help, info-packed, action-oriented, slam-up AWESOME book marketing book I have ever read. Truly. And I teach Web Communications, so I've read A LOT of these books. Good luck, Rach – may the most flirt-abulous woman win!

  84. Toni Rakestraw permalink

    Can't wait to read this… something every author needs! 🙂 I think marketing is the weakness of most authors out there. I know I can always learn more! 🙂 Good to see you, Rach…

    reikibirth at gmail dot com

  85. My social media fear? Hmph, I have none of those fears about being able to communicate properly. It's a great tool for communication and with the advent of social media I've been able to use it to network with and meet more people face to face.  Real relationships! Real friendships I didn't have before. Developed over time and with a depth that you don't get in a lot of social scenarios.  I find it very genuine.  And talk about rallying around a cause! I've donated more money to strangers since Twitter than I did before. It's a great *tool,* not a replacement for life.  I'm more educated in many areas I wouldn't have been otherwise too.  My world view is demystified some more.  I have gotten together face-to-face (and made friends) with people I would never have met otherwise thanks to Twitter and Facebook and blogs and MeetUp groups and so on.  And something like Twitter helps me stay in touch even with my busy schedule. I can't be at home on the computer all day.  I can't be on the phone all day.  I wear too many hats.  And yet I can still network and learn. 

    And as far as privacy? Since the advent of email, it has been my motto never to post or email anything without knowing it is essentially forever. Don't say what you would regret.  If you do regret, accept the consequences of choice.  Online is public.  It just is. 

    But my fear? Is that as a tool for commerce, as a tool for marketing, as a tool to help me compete in the global market – that social media is in the long run a lot of time spent with little to no financial reward.  I am considered socially successful and fairly well connected.  Does my pocketbook reflect that? I always feel I don't know enough to make it work for me financially, and therefor it'll never be the edge for me that it is for others who “got there” first.  This frontier is evolving so fast, and I'm not a computer whiz, so I don't know if I can keep up.  And if something happens and the whole web world blows up? Where's my
    footprint? Where's the evidence and reward of my hard work?  Where's the
    food in my cupboard? And does “liking” get us anywhere??

    Thanks for the fun.  🙂

    worx [at]

  86. Orlando Ramos permalink

    Beautiful women, words like orgy of love, threesomes, Oh my… Hahaha, I LOVE THIS… Plus the free book is totally cool too.

    My biggest fear in social media has to be: Is anyone really reading it? Are they reading my blogs? Am I reaching the people?

    You have to be so careful to make sure you reach the people, but everyone is so different. Not everyone is as beautiful and intelligent as Rachel. The rest of us have to work harder to capture the attention of the masses. Am I working it correctly or making too many mistakes? But, regardless of our fears, I have found that if work it hard, and to the best of your ability, you will succeed.

    Hopefully that book will help me along the way. Looking forward to reading it.

  87. Tonya Nelson permalink

    Biggest fear.  “Frenemies” who watch your posts in order to undermine your life. 

    Thank you so much for the e-book!  And the contest entry!   Can't wait to get the book and start it.

  88. Joan O permalink

    Thank you for inviting us to your giveaway.  It's awesome.  My biggest fear is that sometimes when you type something online it may not have the same meaning to everyone who reads it.  The same sentence when uttered aloud may have a completely different connotation.  Sometimes those dumb emoticons may make matters  worse.

  89. Patti Larsen permalink

    Looking forward to reading it! 🙂

  90. Looking forward to reading it. 


  91. I don't really have any social media fears, social media pet peeves are another story.  I worked for a guy who abused twitter in the worst possible ways to promote new non-profit start-ups and then sit around reading the stupid things to us during staff meetings.  Fortunately I have the power to control who I follow and what I read so it's not too much of a problem now that I'm out of that job.  I'd love a copy of your book (tabbikatscreations(at)yahoo(dot)com).

  92. Barbara Hightower permalink

    Rachel rocks and so does Dollars  & Sense.  You won't go wrong with this book at all.   With all the tips and suggestions a writer will be surprised in a good way.

    My biggest fear …are people really reading what I have to say or am I written what people want to read about.

    Stopping by to show my support.

  93. Theresa permalink

    Thanks for the giveaway!  My biggest social fear, I won't have the gumption to actuall try to write the book I want to because no one will publish it.

  94. Kirsty permalink

    Your eBook sounds interesting — I'm not a writer, but there's always this faint idea in the back of my mind that I COULD be, one day, maybe, hmmmm….  🙂

    Biggest social media fear isn't the media itself, it's how much time it all sucks up. For example, I have a FB account, but almost never visit because it just takes up too much time.  Twitter is more my speed, but even then it can be more time sometimes than I want to give (too many other things I'd rather be doing).

    Sign me up to win a free kindle (although, in all honesty, I really love my NOOK!!!!)

    Kirsty Haining
    Seattle, WA

    khaining AT comcast DOT net

  95. Jason permalink

    My biggest fear about social sites is I will never find a person interesting enough to stalk.  Wait a minute…*Looks at Anne*  😛

    Thanks for the book! I am just getting into writing (and I love it) and your book looks perfect.

  96. Spammers will have a special place in hell, for sure. Fried in spam grease, maybe? 🙂 We can only hope. There are some great articles about creating “hackproof” passwords that I've found very helpful. Google em. Nothing is infallible though. 

  97. There IS pressure, no doubt. However, it's all about setting a schedule that works for you. What's great about Twitter & FB, and even blogging, I've found, is that it's all up to me when I reply. And you put out what you want to get back — I write non-fiction but I don't reveal pertinent, specific details. Some do. It's all your choice. 

    And you're welcome. I hope you find the book helpful! 

  98. Yea, um, no. And those that do are kind of annoying, right? I always suggest people follow who/what interests and dump the rest. There is no commitment when it comes to social media. Do what works for you. If it feels too invasive, step back. It's within your grasp to set those boundaries. 

  99. So true, Marlene! I read on my iPad or iPhone (tho I just bought a Kindle –finally) & I'm running 3 Twitter streams so there's a commitment, for sure. Part of being a professional writer is having these connex. Especially being an indie writer — no one else is gonna do it for me, right? I am my marketing dept. So there's always a choice. Write, market, sleep, drink a martini #hehe 

    Scheduling my tweets & FB posts in advance helps immensely, I'll tell you that. I use Hootsuite. Best thing ever. 

  100. Ha ha ha! I'm comment number 101!

    I'm getting this book today. Good luck but I think you are a shoe in to win this menage!

    Here's my email: drleipold (at) yahoo (dot) com.

  101. Jennifer permalink

    Love the Menage!

    Biggest social media fear: calling a contact by the wrong name (which I did last week).

  102. Elizabeth permalink

    Thanks for the reply Rachel.  Menage a Blog is great and I look forward to the rest of the week!  Yes, it's VERY cool!

  103. Amber Scott permalink

    Oh how I adore this post and question. I think the pervading fear I face daily is that Adam Sandler skit “They're all going to laugh at you!”
    Yeah. Some laughter is good. I am looking for giggles. Then others…not so much. Thankfully, I have my IBC family to always make me feel supported and accepted. Love you!

  104. Looking forward to Dollars and Sense. Sounds like a great guide. Email:

  105. I've used delete, trust me, but my internal editor cringes with every error.  I never received an email from you so I'm guessing you can't get the emails from the commenting system.  I'd really like to read your book. onecrazycalico (at) yahoo (dot) com

  106. Yum…orgies of love. Sounds very nice.
    My greatest fear of social media is referring to someone by the wrong name. Hello it's there forever. I did this will Deena Remiel's name yesterday. I put Deana. OMG, talk about red-faced. Anyway being followed/friended by people or businesses that I have no clue about. It's kinda scary. Thanks for the free book and the chance for more wonderful prizes.

  107. Blahblahblah…That didn't come out right. Happy to join you in this hippie love-in that's an exemplary member of the revolution that's reshaping the publishing industry. How long have they been raising the cry of the paperless society? Since we were children, at least. We're watching it finally finish kicking the door in and really…*sigh* Now, I've got a whole other blog to rant out.

    Anyway, social media doesn't scare me. I am concerned about people being overloaded, though. Until recently, there's been a rise and fall of social networking platforms as migrations have occurred from one to the next. Now with all the simultaneous activity, I wonder how much social media managing individuals will be able to handle without a staff. Nothing that keeps me up at night, just looking ahead. It's a thing I do.

    You have my email address, but just to keep things in-line technically:

    Chat with you soon.

  108. Social media is wonderful but scary. Still working out all the different ways to gain readers and friends. Dollars and Sense sounds like a great read, thanks!

  109. mistyprovencher permalink

    I have been waiting for just this book!!  
    And let me say, Rachel, your blog oozles voice, so I'll be sticking around here and finding you on twitter too.My biggest fear of social media is that my readers see the author behind the curtain- on every page of my book.  I worry about social media saturating readers with who I am, so much so that the reader can not be along enough with the story to make it their own.  As an author, the last place I want to be is crowded beside my reader on the dragon ride or jabbing the reader with my elbow during the first kiss.  Social media puts my face and my viewpoints and my social awkwardness and my history of idiotic remarks right on the forefront and it puts the book in jeopardy of becoming a talisman rather than a gift I'm trying to quietly regift along to someone who will enjoy it.OH!  And let me not forget, as I simply MUST read:misty_pro at msn dot com

  110. Yea, it is important to just WALK AWAY in those situations. Good advice. And it's so true, we never know how something written can be taken out of context. Without face-to-face communication & non-verbals, assumptions are often made. Very good points. 

  111. It's hard for me to get my ass outside & I live minutes from the beach. Imagine that! We get so consumed. Luckily, my brain is always on. I write in my head a lot. I'd rather do that than be writing in a dark room & I want the same for my kids. But it's definitely a challenge, I hear ya. 🙂 

  112. I've been debating myself over publishing issues lately, so this book sounds like something I need to read!  And my biggest fear about social media?  That no one will care and I won't have any followers/friends/supporters at all.  There.  That's it.
    Total honesty.  (

  113. My biggest fear about social media is all of the cyberbullying…for some reason that seems like the in thing…

    Crystal R

  114. It's hard, I won't lie. My folks are here right now & just noticed that I pierced my nose (it's tiny & unobtrusive, & I'm 47 for god's sake)…but still. I'm their little girl. It just never ends. #hehe 

    There's much they don't know, & will never know. And that's okay. And maybe someday they will. But to be truly authentic in your writing, you need to be honest about the subject at hand. At least, that's what I believe. If your pseudonym gives you that freedom, what a great release.

  115. Aya Bara permalink

    My biggest fear about social media is that it makes me feel as though I'm falling behind. I'm not a fan of technology, and I'm even less of a fan of social sites or whatever they are. I only got Twitter and Facebook for the sake of my (currently nonexistent) writing career, but I don't know how much good it's been doing me lately…

    But I do love your writing, and it's nice that the Internet makes it so available to us.

    Aya Bara

  116. Agreed. Though, there is a certain degree of risk, as a writer, in our vulnerability. I just created a new feature here on my blog, BROKEN PIECES (it's a tab up there on the left) where I share some very intimate thoughts & experiences with you all. Putting ourselves out there sometimes can be the most freeing of all. 

  117. Anne-Mhairi Simpson permalink

    My biggest social media fear is that I'll say something stupid, annoy everyone and they'll all hate me forever. Scary because I was born with my foot in my mouth…

  118. Skilmer permalink

    My fear is for someone to find out who I really am…

    skilmer at rogers dot com

  119. earthwindwalker permalink

    Earthsbooknook at gmail dot com

    My biggest fear about the social media is that I will fail as a writer and disappoint my readers once I actually get my book published.


  120. I could totally see that, Pam. You hear about it and I see it in my own family w/ all the iPads, Kindle, and computers. As a writer though, we're so dependent on our computers. I just got my first Mac (literally days ago) & I'm shocked at how I survived w/o one for so long :)). 

    Pen and paper…what's that? #hehe 

  121. Authorsart permalink

    I'm commenting!  I'm commenting!   authorsart at gmail dot com 

  122. Yes, so true. I have a 5yo son and it's very important to me he grow up to be a gentleman. I give him lessons on opening doors, looking people in the eye, saying “yes, ma'am,” please and thank you. Same w/ my older daughter. Manners can't be learned on FB. 

    That said, there is a social media etiquette that I believe, especially as professionals, must be followed. Even as casual users, we should communicate w/ others as we want to be communicated with. Tweet as you want to be tweeted. Sounds silly, but it's SO true. 

  123. It's true, that's a very real fear. I've had a few scares myself. We have to be as smart as we can. I just had a virus wipe out a good portion of my next book. Luckily, my brain still works. : ) #whatcanyoudo? 

    At least we can depend on ourselves. Computers aren't infallible. Neither am I (clearly). But we do our best not to completely freak out, right? 

  124. Yea, it happens. You never know what will set someone off. One small comment and boom! Freak out city. Believe me, I know. 

    On the positive side, at least people are paying attention enough to read what you have to say, right? #hehe 

    Even if you don't write, the book has tons of social media info that's very useful. I hope you enjoy it. 

  125. Oh, this is so easy. My biggest fear on social media is opening my mouth and putting my foot in it, out there, for the entire world to see. Yikes! It's why most of my tweets are retweets. My second biggest fear is that no one will want to hear what I have to say and I'll just annoy them with my comments. It really makes using social media hard on me.

  126. Forgot my email address. I'm such a dork sometimes. It's rivawriter at

  127. great comments, Chrystal. It IS a great book and thx for your kind words. I totally believe it and it happens far too often. 

    As for social media, it IS work and I truly believe embracing groups like the Indie Book Collective (aka @IndieBookIBC ) helps to increase your exposure w/ tours like this (if you're a writer) or just learning the power of social media in general. What it can and can't do. Setting realistic goals and time schedules. 

  128. you're quite welcome! 

  129. Interesting. thanks for your perspective, Danielle. I tell my kids “you get what you give, and you give what you get” and I think that applies here as well. If you follow quality, you'll receive quality. I've met amazing people on Twitter, and some scary people I've blocked within seconds. 

    But is it all that different from real life? Hmmm….

  130. I hope so. I feel it's especially useful advice for us non-fiction writers. If I can be of help to you, let me know. I'm at work on my second book of humor, non-fiction as well. 🙂 Good luck! 

  131. I sound like a broken record, but Hootsuite is so helpful for scheduling in your tweets/posts. This really takes away the fear of that happening. You can write them out ahead of time, edit, spellcheck, everything. It's great. 

  132. Yea, I started on my blog, then FB, then found Twitter to be the most effective platform to establish my reader base. Truly it's a combo of everything. If you can schedule in your tweets/posts/blogs & get your writing done, that's the ideal situation & live interact as time allows? 

    Cake, baby. 

  133. awesome, happy to help! 

  134. Thanks, Terri. You rock, woman. Your writing is terrific and I can't stop bragging about you. When are we gonna meet? We're so close (when you're not hither and yon, that is :). We definitely are gonna have martinis, woman. 

    Best of luck with today. 

  135. You bet, awesome chick. I know I owe you an email but as you can see, I'm tied up! We'll touch base soon. I'm grateful you're in my life, that's for sure. xo

  136. Thoughtful answer. It's interesting how you bring this up, when KLOUT is rewarding people for their social footprint, as you say. A higher KLOUT score can bring ACTUAL rewards. Isn't that fascinating? 

    So it doesn't necessarily matter how rich you are or successful in the business world; if social media doesn't recognize you, forget about it. 🙂 

    Check out It's my new obsession. 

  137. Theonewhostandsout permalink

    My biggest fear in regards to social media is most definitely the total rejection of every little idea I put out there…

    My email is:

  138. Orlando, you are too much fun. Thanks for playing and your wonderful compliments. 

    Yes, I get that initial fear of WTF am I doing, right? That's why Twitter is such a great free marketing tool. It's very fluid. If you're not doing it “right,” you know pretty quickly. Branding is also so important. If your message is over the place, that's the feedback you'll get. It's not rocket science. Just hard work, as you say. 

  139. I think we have to watch out for those people everywhere, Tonya, but great point. Not everyone wants us to succeed, or agrees with what we write. I get that A LOT. From family, friends, everywhere. But hey, it's my blog. Mine, mine, mine. 

  140. That's quite true, Joan. Context is everything w/ the written word and yet, sometimes so hard to express. We know what happened in our lives, our in our heads, but it's hard to share sometimes, isn't it? Great point. 

    I rarely use emoticons w/ the exception of 🙂 or 😦 and that's probably cuz I find the rest annoying & time-consuming. 

  141. Tricia, that's so smart. It's what I teach in my social media classes for the IBC. Follow only who interests YOU. If they're not helping/interesting/good for you, dump em. It's a wasted follow. Sounds callous, but really, do you owe anyone anything on social media? No. 

    I'm not a fan of guilt either. Can you tell? 🙂 

  142. Thanks hottie. You rock and I appreciate all you do for me and the IBC. I'd be lost without you, mama. xo

  143. That's why there's SELF-PUBLISHING, honey! I self-pub'd my own book, baby (A Walk In The Snark — Amazon). That's what the Indie Book Collective is all about. Read Dollars & Sense and then come back and talk to me. 

    I have an agent interested in me now — now that she's seen what I can do on my own. The game has changed, baby. Jump in. 

  144. John permalink

    I enjoy reading your tweets, so can't wait to see your book. Thanks for taking part in the Blog Tour.

  145. Jason permalink

    Silly me, I forgot my email: jcsas(at)

    Thanks again and GO Rachel!

  146. Hey, if you win you can always give the Kindle as a gift, right? Someone will REALLY love you. 🙂 I get the time suck thing. It certainly can be. I set limits myself, or use it as a reward after my writing is done. 

  147. I'm so glad (about the writing. About the stalking, you're on your own. 🙂

    Good luck with it all and check us out over on or @IndieBookIBC for tips. 

  148. Yea, it happens. I blame it on the lack of coffee. Or too much vodka. 🙂 

  149. Thx chica. I adore you. We all have to laugh at ourselves, honestly, or where would the fun be in our daily lives? It's too much. Too damn much. It's our imagination, our heart, our laughter, even our tears that save us. 

    Much love, my dear. 

  150. Thanks Stephen. You're a wonderful writer. I'm sure you're an ace at most of this already. 😉 

  151. Luckily, we're good people. I'm sure she was very cool about it. I answer to most things, even SNARKY BITCH. It's cool. 🙂 

    Mostly that's cause I write about some fairly controversial topics so I don't mind. I kinda worry if people call me nice. It scares me a little. 

    You're so very welcome. Thx for participating, honey. 

  152. you're welcome & I hope you enjoy it. The best way to learn is to jump in and just start doing it — okay that sounds funny but it's true. 🙂 

  153. winnie permalink

    Thanks for the ebook giveaway! I'd be interested in reading it!


  154. First off, thank you. Secondly, I get what you're saying: you want the reader to enjoy the journey, not be led by the nose. I think that no matter whether you write fiction or non-fiction, there's a skill to subtlety. 

    There are so many gifted writers whom I respect that I've learned from. John Irving is a master, as is Raymond Carver; David Sedaris, while he writes hysterical hyperbole, tells a killer story underneath it all; and I adore Lorrie Moore & Kate Atkinson. Intricate stories, subtly told. All masters. 

    I hope that helps you ;)) 

  155. My biggest fear in regards to social media is that I have not yet learned how to grow my fan base and how to keep them.  I gain fans and then lose a lot and that frustrates me. 
    I would love to read your co-authored book :Dollars & Sense.
    my email is

  156. Shannonjean14 permalink

    Well I don't know that I have any fears about social media I guess just that lies would get out that people would believe and that it leaves you so exposed.
    Thank you for the giveaway!!

  157. Would love to read your ebook,  Thanks


  158. Hey Rachel,

    I commented twice today from my phone, but I didn't see either when I scroll down. Android and Blogger must be fighting. Google owns everything now, you'd think it would all work together.

    Looks around – You've had a great turnout so far. Loved your post and thanks for the kind words. That's two of your books I've reviewed and both 5+ stars. When's the next coming out?



  159. Hey Max :))  #yousorock I love having you here. I'm not sure what's happening…some people have said they had trouble responding cuz I think my blog is just hoppin' #woot

    I owe you a huge thank you for your support, handsome. This has been way too much fun.

  160. thx Al — I promise to send it to you as soon as I can respond to all these lovely commenters :))

  161. Sue Owen permalink

    Fear of social media … I'm afraid people are going to discover I'm EXACTLY as I present myself.   Who wants to be someone they really are??  But, Jane Bond I'm not, nor am I Bones.  So …  it is what it is!  Cheers and great web site!

    Sue Owen

  162. yea, that kinda sucks. But I think social media gives us all our own voice. which is so great. important to keep that in mind. I think you'll enjoy the book.

  163. Angi Gray permalink

    I already have Dollars and Sense from the Bestseller for a Day, but I wanted to stop by and say hello!

    As far as social networking, my biggest concern has to do with my children and possible predators. Granted, I monitor their interaction religiously, it is a fine line to walk between them having some freedom and protecting them!


  164. Hi Esther — great, difficult fear. I appreciate your honesty. We teach you how to keep your fan base in the book. Many times it results in lack of focus and branding. For example, I'm all about snark, Mancode, Chickspeak, and lost love. If you visit me, you know what you will get. You won't get the latest updates on dog food, ice cream or god forbid, hardware. See? There's also a skill to content vs. promo. We don't want to fatigue our fans.

  165. thx so much — I hope you enjoy it!

  166. Thanks so much, John. Great to see you here!

  167. I think that's valid. There's a risk involved in putting yourself, your work out there. HOWEVER, that's part of what the drive is. Why are we social? Why are we interactive? (And pssst — there's a delete button!)

  168. I'll tell you what helps: writing your tweets out in WORD. Seriously. Pick a topic or three and write five tweets about that topic. Ignore the live tweeting. Then SCHEDULE them in. (I use Hootsuite. Others like Tweetdeck.) We discuss content vs. promo tweets in the book. It's not rocket science, but it takes thought.

  169. okay, okay 🙂

  170. Elena Gray permalink

    My biggest fear is sending a tweet to the wrong person.  Like “Hey Rachel I really loved 'Fierce Dawn'”.  #hyperventilating
    I have made that horrible mistake in the past.  Sometimes my fingers type faster than my brain can relay the msg.
    My second fear is typos!  I hate if I accidentally use the wrong form of your/you're.  For some reason that makes me crazy! #mustbewriterinme

    Good luck with the tour! 

  171. Jaidis permalink

    I don't really know if I have a fear of social media. A person can be whomever they want to be, truth or not, online and so I think that if you just be careful of what you say and who you talk to, there isn't much to be afraid of. Though I do sometimes worry about all the creeps out there who may make contact with my daughter when she is older and using social media.

    JaidisShaw at yahoo dot com

  172. I think ALL authors have that fear. All HUMANS have that fear, honey. Fear of failure is a major hurdle. You have to learn to trust your voice. Personally, I think social media helps you become familiar w/ it — what works, what doesn't. Twitter is great free market research on whether your voice is working. Embrace it.

  173. I hope that doesn't happen if you don't want it to 😦

  174. That's why I love the delete button, Anna. But somehow I doubt that. You're an intelligent chick. If you're not sure what to say, we can always ask questions, dig deeper, find out more…it's what we do as writers, right?

  175. Brenda Blackburn permalink

    Hi and thanks for the free bookie and the chance to win cool stuff.  My fear is that an old school boyfriends would find my profile and see pictures of me because i an not the girl i used to be.  Thanks!

  176. Thx Aya — lovely name. There is a comfort level, for sure. We, as adults, learn by doing. Besides teaching, that is the highest form of learning. Breaking through that wall of resistance — that “I don't want to do this” makes a huge difference. Believe me, I KNOW. 🙂

  177. t_manfredi permalink

    Can't wait to read the book!

  178. Amanda Chesshir permalink

    My biggest fear with social media is that so many people start drama with it and if it is going to get worse with what people post such as a recent news story where a man posted he was going to kill his child then did it. Social media networks are to stay in contact with family in friends that are long distance. People are posting hate lists and posting horrible things they want to do to people.  The cyber bullying is getting out of hand with it too. Even adults have been chldish enough to cyber bully young kids! It is not what these social media networks are for, but I fear it will get worse.
    Amanda Chesshir

  179. It's real and it's scary. Good point. We experienced it w/ my daughter. She briefly had a private FB account (for only friends) and it lasted 2 weeks after she was cyberbullied by a classmate. I took swift action & that was the end of it but it was hard & scary. Don't mess w/ the mama!

  180. we teach you in the book how to gain followers. It's a targeted, branded skill but it's not rocket science. People I think are generally interactive. If it feels right, go with it. If it's not right, you'll so know. Trust your instincts.

  181. Unfortunately, we have freedom to use it for horrible things like that. Sensationalistic stuff goes viral. I personally avoid ALL that, and stay within my bubble of publishing and social media since that is where my interest lies. It's all what YOU make of it, I believe. 🙂

  182. thx so much 🙂

  183. Heather Adeen permalink

    Looking forward to reading the book.  heatheradeen@@@gmail…com

  184. Hi not so sure it counts a social media,but it already happened. A friend was at work and a copie got made of an order to pure romance ( sex toy at home party) and the file got sent to all the people in there department talk about humiliating. Thanks

  185. Anonymous permalink

    I am trying to write my first book and I think your book will be very helpful to me. I look forward to reading it. My biggest fear with the Social Media is that I will not make the most of it or use it incorrectly. Right now I'll be honest I am on Facebook but I can't tell you how long it has been since I logged in on it.

  186. Hey girl…my email keeps getting bounced back. If you check back here, maybe you'll know why you haven't received the bookie wookie. ;( 

  187. JoAnna B permalink

    I don't really fear social media for myself.  I try to be reasonable about what I post. My real fear is what my teenager posts and who sees it.  They don't think about what they post.  I have to watch what she posts and have even had to demand her remove things from the web.  Even if the comments were made by her friends.  To many crazies out there.  

    beckerjo at verizon dot net

  188. Jackie Chanel permalink

    Hey Rach, stopping by to show my support!  Dollars & Sense is my new Bible!  As for my biggest social media fear…it's that no one is listening to what I say.

  189. Anita permalink

    I can't wait to read your book.  My biggest fear with social media is the loss of privacy


  190. My biggest fear would have to be about overlooking someone that I became acquainted with. There's only one of me and lots of them and I don't like to leave people out.


  191. True, the pictures are more like the tip of the ice burg. I agree to that it is an amazing tool, there's so much you can find and learn from it, but trying to keep the reigns on it is pretty daunting. Then again, you're right, we do have to let them know what's out there. No matter how scary it is.

    We do monitor one of my nephews who is at my place quite a bit, he's at the tween age too, and is probably the most addicted to the net out of all the nieces and nephews. He picks up a lot when we're educating him, but I'm not sure about when he is somewhere else including home (I'm the most internet savvy person in the whole family), but all we can do is educate him the best we can (like everyone else needs to with kids) and hope he takes as much of it on board as can be.

  192. Jenmandelas permalink

    My biggest fear is for people to comment on mistakes in my story that I hadn't noticed and can't explain away. I hate to appear like I didn't know what I was doing.

  193. Denise Zaky permalink

    I was able to get your wonderful book on the Best Seller for a Day tour and thank you for that wonderful opportunity.  Who knows one day I may get off my ### and write a book of my own – my husband keeps telling me I should.  What is my biggest fear, well it may sound awful silly but I am so afraid of having my picture taken and having it show up on my facebook page, I am afraid of big scary spidys under the bed and frankly I do not known which would be worse 🙂  Then again maybe the biggest fear would be to never win the kindle and ten years from now losing all hope, but getting plenty of ebooks to make me smile 🙂 I wish you every success and send good thoughts for getting lots of new followers from today's tour.  You are awesome and I love getting your email posts for your site. 


  194. Hi Rachel, I am finding Menage A Blog a great excursion. I love books and well free books are even better. I, of course, try to get my reviews written so I can earn those free books I have been gifted.

    My biggest fear regarding social media is that I will either end up with BOTH feet in my mouth on an international stage or that I will end up looking like such a doofus that I won't be able to show my face in public. I tend to be a goof anyway and so I am just micrometers from total dorkdom at any given moment. I love social network media because I like to connect with people but I hate feeling like a big dummy and sometimes I do that to myself. 

    Of course, then I point it out to others in case they missed it in the first place. That's just how I roll, baby!



  195. Of course, I did the doofus thing. I forgot my email, gosh I wish comments could be edited!!!!

    sagemoon_cottage at yahoo dot com


    Ardee-ann the geek!

  196. ljszab permalink

    Hi! Thanks for participating, Rachel. I'm looking forward to getting your book.

    ljszab at yahoo dot com

  197. Roxs permalink

    My biggest social media fear is my information being used in such a way that I become financially and socially ruined.

    roxburysnoopy-blogtourdeforce AT

  198. Pat Lichen permalink

    Looking forward to Dollars & Sense! Thank you!

    My biggest social media fear? Revealing my heart in my writing and discovering that no one is really interested!

    pickle2000 at comcast dot net

  199. M.D. Christie permalink

    My biggest fear in social media is doing it all wrong! So much time effort and energy is put into making connections. If I've done it all wrong, then it was all for not!

  200. bakercds permalink

    Day two of the Menage a Blog and I'm thoroughly enjoying this experience!

    My biggest fear in social media is sharing too much, I'm just not comfortable with everyone knowing the minutiae of my day!

  201. Anne permalink

    My biggest fear is that no one will read my blog, no one will visit my website, no one will care what I have to say. There are so many people out there and so much to choose from. People are overwhelmed with information.

    I'm looking forward to reading your book. I think it will help with a lot of questions. Thanks so much!!

  202. Maraj permalink

    Hi, Rachel:
    Even though I haven't written in like a gazillion years, I still have that book inside that's been spinning around in my head since I won a short story contest in a tiny local newspaper when I was 14. I won $50 and wrote through college – even got a BA in journalism in critique and the media (this was the closest thing to a writing major at my university). I think your book may come in handy one day…

    I lived my greatest fear regarding social media…being “found” by a psychotic “ex-boyfriend”If you can call a “relationship” in 7th and 8th grade! This dude found me one day and professed his undying love for me all these years later (um..I'm 45, so do the math!). He went on to tell me what I was wearing the night of our first dance – 7th grade in the gym – and that night, apparently, was our first kiss. Needless to say, I remember none of this. All I remember of this guy is that in 7th grade he drank and smoked copious amounts of marijuana (at that tender age, I hadn't yet indulged..that would come later *sheepish grin* but that's a story for aanother day!)

    He ended up coming for a visit. He proceeded to bore me to tears with epic stories about how he was this famous tennis pro who coached the last Wimbledon winner and other absolutely delusional feats of athletic prowess. Can I tell you that I barely recognized him? Balding and a beer belly – need to say more. Anyway,( geez this is a book!), I ended up asking him to lose my number and to forget that he ever found me. He was crushed and couldn't understand why I was being so cruel – mind you, we only spoketo eachother for under 10 days! i've since blocked him on Facebook, but, everys o often I get one of those massive group emails with an update on his life..a few mnths ago he said he was in a poor village in China helping impoverished youth find self-esteem thorugh tennis. Ugh!

    So, my biggest social media fear came to pass…but, on the ex from when I was 16 found me and made amends for being a rotten SOB to me and that, although he is happily married with 2.4 children and a farm in New Hampshire, he thinks of me often and still  has 2 pics from when we were together! Thanks for listening!
    marajbrandon AT earthlinl DOT net

  203. I had such a hard time getting in to comment! That must mean your promo is wildly popular. I'm soooo excited to read this book. i came over here from Haley Whitehall and promise I'll be back.
    JennyHansensMail AT
    If for any reason email doesn't work, you can always find me at the blog (More Cowbell).

  204. Kern Windwraith permalink

    Hi Rachel,
    My biggest social media fear is that everyone will abandon Twitter and move over to Google+ and I'll have to start all over again, only this time I'll have to do it in circles. Oh, the woe. 
    Looking forward to the bookie wookie,

  205. MissyKay permalink

    I would love a copy of Dollars and Sense for my mom. She just got done doing a writing course for Articles & Short Stories through LongRidge Writers Group. She trying to decide whether to take the novel course. She has wanted to write for a long time. I think your book might give her some encouragement and show her the opportunities available to publish her book.

    By any chance could I get a copy to give to my 15yr old niece (in 3 wks)? She's has started writing and has written some amazing poems and the beginning of a couple stories. I read the 2 pages she had of a story she started. When I got done, all I could say was: “OH. MY. GOD. Kylie!” My mom and sister (her mother) had the same reaction. It was unbelievable. She was able to just grab you and pull you immediately into the story!! My favorite poem of hers brought me to tears. She has an amazing talent with word painting. I could literally feel the heartbreak in the poem! And she's only 15 in 3 weeks! I want to do everything I can to encourage her writing and talent.

    I don't really have a fear concerning social media as far as myself. Identity theft in this day and age is always a concern. I guess my biggest fear would be for my niece and nephews (she also has a 9yr old younger brother). When you hear about predators and cyber bullies, it's always scary when you have kids around. But my sister and brother-in-law are wonderful parents. They make sure and monitor what the kids are doing online. And they have raised them with very strong values and they are very grounded and stand up for their beliefs. Families today are so busy. There are so many families where both parents have to work, and with all the stresses, there are a lot of parents that really don't take the time to make sure what their children are doing online.

    Thanks for the chance to discover your book. I loved A Walk in the Snark that I was able to grab during the Tour de Troops.

    Good luck on this tour!
    missyebookmail AT mediacombb DOT net

  206. Thx Missy for sharing — and encouraging your family members to write. It's so important to having support. Yes, I'll be happy to send 2 books your way, no worries. And thx for mentioning my book — so glad you enjoyed it. :)) 

    There are many parents caught completely unaware of what their kids are up to. You're on target there. It's important to discuss the dangers of predators & cyberbullying often. 

  207. Kern, I'm so with you there! The circles are scaring me. It's Skynet. I tell ya. 🙂 

  208. Jenny, thank you for trying — I'm honored. Even I'm having trouble getting on #hehe. I'm so glad to have met Haley & appreciated her review. She rocks. Thanks for visiting 🙂 

  209. That's what FB is for, don't ya know? #shivers You're quite brave to have met him in actual, real life. Though I have to say, I've met plenty of tweeps in real life and they've all been wonderful. You have to sift through what's real I guess. Thx so much for sharing your story, Maraj. 

  210. thx Anne, I hear that a lot. We address this in the book specifically as well. It helps to figure out what makes you unique, to figure out what your branding is, and to then make your voice consistent across all platforms. Then it really does all comes together. 

  211. I don't think you need to share that much to be honest. No one is really that interested. It's a misnomer that Twitter or FB about that. Take a look at my stream — I don't discuss those things. Neither do the other IBC cofounders (who cowrote the book). Goes totally against our marketing strategy & isn't an effective use of our (or a reader's) time. 

    Branding is the key to figuring out what you need to focus on. We disucss it in the book & in our free social media web workshops. You can visit & click on workshops for more info. 🙂 

  212. Paulapoindexter permalink

    Thanks for the giveaway. Looking forward to reading your book.

  213. That's why we created this book, babe. 🙂 And while there is a wrong, there are also lots of rights. I do a free social media web workshop for the Indie Book Collective each month (see schedule here ) or you can simply read the book. It really helps a lot. 

  214. Of course, that's a concern. Putting ourselves out there is always a risk. However, I feel that if you dig deep and avoid cliches, really look for ways to reveal your heart in original ways, you will pique a reader's interest and create that immediacy quickly. 

    That's why I include some poignant pieces in my first book A WALK IN THE SNARK — because nobody can be all humor, all the time. That's not real. 

  215. That's valid — which is why you protect and copyright everything. So important to safeguard our work, our words. But we can't live in fear, right? 

  216. Back at ya — appreciate the visit! 

  217. Ardee-ann — I so love your sense of humor and enjoy your comments and support. It takes such to be able to laugh at ourselves — which is such a huge message in my writing and YOU GET THAT, woman! I love that about you. We laugh a lot, you and I. xo

  218. LizzieBeth95 permalink

    I already have a copy of Dollars & Sense, but wanted to swing by to give my support for the event. I've not yet finished the book, but I must say that I'm enjoying it very much. To see the girls lay it out for all of us gives us a unique view on the do's and dont's of being Indie. I truly thank you, Rachel, Carolyn, and Amber, for putting the book together for us. It's a remarkable read, thus far.

    I also want to wish all of you participating with the Menage A Blog the best of luck. 🙂

    My biggest fear is whether I'm doing things right social-media wise. Seriously, it is.

  219. Aw, thx honey for your wonderful comment #yousorock. I get the whole FB thing & my god, spiders #eek. I'm so Little Miss Muffett, you have NO IDEA. So I'm so with you there. 

    And remember, even if you don't win the Kindle, you can still download eBooks to any smartphone, computer, or tablet w/ the free Kindle apps which is so cool. 

    Thx for reading and staying in touch!

  220. Yea, that does suck. I'm currently reformatting my first book & we're already updating this book. Hey, even books published by the Big 6 have glaring editing errors so … that doesn't make it OK by any means but it does happen to the best of us. 

    If you mean story mistakes or wrong story paths, yes. That does take work and that's where having a crit partner or great editor makes a huge difference in your work. I highly recommend both. 

  221. I agree. It becomes tough as our accounts grow and get bigger (and bigger, and bigger) as well as spread over many different sites. What I've found however is that you have a core group you work with again and again who support you and vice versa. 

    Remember, they have to make the effort also. :)) 

  222. yes, that's a running theme here today. thx for stopping by…

  223. thx Jackie, you rock! So glad you're now part of the tour. Can't wait to read your book. When it's quiet (finally) this next week, I'll catch up on my TBR Kindle pile. Best of luck on your day, woman. 

  224. yes, for sure, it's so important to be on top of our teens. My girl is a tween & she has no access to social media. No phone (#gasp), limited internet. But all her friends have it and some of their FB accounts shock even me, mostly cuz their parents have NO CLUE. It's really scary. I've had more than a few conversations w/ parents about FB security. We can't afford NOT to know. 

  225. LizzieBeth95 permalink

    Welcome always. It's a pleasure. Thank you kindly.

    I've been learning a lot both from IBC sites and the book itself and have been implementing what I've learned so far as I go along. I appreciate everything that you've all done for us Indie's and I hope to learn more as time goes by.

  226. Edysicecreamlover18 permalink

    Thanks for the great post!  edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom My greatest fear has to do with my OCD…the media tends to promote certain things, especially weight.  I easily get obsessive about that and everything goes, well, downhill from there.  I worry about my appearance in regards to that respect too much, I know.  Thank you again!

  227. Hey, Rachel!  This is one awesome book full of must-know information.  #gottahaveit What a menage! And darlin', you're flirt very well. 🙂

  228. aobibliophile permalink

    you're very welcome Rachel! i look forward to receiving my copy of Dollars & Sense. i'm not a writer (but you never know,lol!) though i heard that the book is a treasure trove of useful information!

  229. Greatest social media fear? Time management. Procrastination is my friend, but I have to believe I'm achieving something… 🙂

    contact (at) rachelcotterill (dot) com

  230. Jguldy permalink

    Thanks for the giveaway – looking forward to it!

  231. Anne-Mhairi Simpson permalink

    Exactly. Questions are a good thing! I knew that talent for driving my parents insane with constant questions when I was a kid would prove useful for something!! 😀

  232. Heather permalink

    Thanks for the give away, the book sounds great!

  233. Hello Rachel,
    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to each of my comments.  BTW, when will I receive my copy for leaving a comment, as was stated? My email address was provided in the root of my comment.

  234. You're welcome for the comments.  And thanks for the suggestions and encouragement, I will indeed check out IBC.
    Looking forward to getting my copy of the book, hope it's soon.

    Have a wonderful day.

  235. I joined Klout recently, but am not sure what to think of it yet.  It has me down with being influential in crochet. That's dead on. But it also has me down as being influential in BACON.   Which is absurd.  All because of ONE humorous RT.  O_o  Which to me means I can be a clown and post something that has nothing to do with who I really am and get props for it even if I know ___ about it.  I'm still exploring though. 

    And I guess that's the thing – social media when it comes to marketing is both tied to community, but it is also tied to a bunch of algorithms and programs.  It's the second part that gets me.  There's always a new better way to do something and something is always becoming obsolete. Just when I think I have the hang of it, I'm essentially training myself on a new piece of social media “software.”  Time, time, time. 

    I shall check out Sprout Social then. Thanks for the recommend!

  236. I know I’m late but I figured I’d try.Calophi AT ripitgood DOT netI just don't want to end up posting something public that will get me fired somehow. 🙂

  237. Thanks so much for the overwhelming response! Can you believe how crazy this is? I'm sorry I couldn't get to everyone yesterday but I'm hard at work still responding to comments AND getting emails out to everyone with both the PDF & Smashwords code. You guys rock! 

  238. LOL @ no email, no bookie wookie. Got it!

    My biggest fear about social media is missing something. It's like being in a giant candy story. If you don't check out every container, every bin for what's in them, then you'll miss the one all your friends and the cool kids are raving about while you're stuck holding yesterday's hot sweet smooshie stuff. Of course, that doesn't stop me from mulling over and over whether or not to join Google+. 🙂

  239. Rachel permalink

    I think my fear with Social Media is that I don't make the most of it when i have the time. I am currently writing my first book so I hope to learn how to use it better with your book. I am looking forward to reading it.  Try this email and see if it works.

  240. My biggest fear with social media is that information put out there is forever known and you no longer have control over it- from pictures, to books, comments, and personal information.  I don't live in fear of it though and work to embrace it to help me.

  241. Maria Zannini permalink

    Biggest fear? Wasting too much time when I could be writing.

  242. I don't think I have a social media fear.  Should I?  Another thing for my to-do list.

    I'd love a free copy of that book.  
    My mail is grandmas_goulash(at)yahoo(dot)com
    Thanks so much for offering it.

  243. Katrina whittaker permalink

    One can never know enough !! and its great that their is so much out there that we can look for to help us !!! ** book of knowledge **  thankjs for the giveaway kat 😉

  244. Katrina whittaker permalink

    My biggest fear i forgot to write ! Is using the information incorrectly !! hmmm one says how !! im not the most computer savy .. I try.. socially I like to think I try to use the most of it the best I can but at times find it hard to digest lol !!!!

  245. Kris permalink

    My fear is saying something online and regretting why I said those things. I am impetuous and emotional , so there. I would love to receive your book. Thanks a lot for this wonderful offer.

  246. Joder permalink

    My biggest fear is posting a review of a book and having people post all sorts of negative comments about me stating my opinion.  For a book that doesn't work for me, I also worry about hurting the author's feelings with my honest review.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  247. Biggest Fear is having to listen to the colossal groans of all my clients when I have to try to convince them the Google+ for Business is probably going to be a “must have to be done” Considering most are still fighting getting online on SM in the first place LOL  (oh and Skynet really is Google, either that or HAL having a bad hair day)  Cheers!     forfengdesigns AT gmail DOT com

  248. Phoenix none permalink

    Blahblahblah…That didn't come out right.  Happy to join you in this hippie love-in that is an exemplary member of the revolution that is reshaping the publishing industry.  How long have they been raising the cry of the paperless society?  Since we were children, at least.  We're watching it finally start kicking the door in.  *sigh*  Now I guess I've got another blog to write.
    I'll chat with you later.  You've got my email, but I don't want a technicality tripping us up so:

  249. J.L. Campbell permalink

    Having been published traditionally, I'm looking to go the self-publishing route. Your book would be an invaluable resource.
    Email is jmwordsmith at mail dot com

  250. Pbubbles permalink

    My biggest social media fear is being spammed by telemarketers and their junk that never asked for, as if that is going to make me fall for it. Dollars and sense sounds like a very useful book.

  251. Wonderful blog tour Yay for threesome, wiggles into the middle 🙂
    When I first started requesting other writers as friends on my Facebook page, someone reported me as Spam – it freaked me out and scared me off requesting for a bit. So my biggest fear is having people think I'm annoying them.

  252. My biggest fear is someone stealing me. I hear horror stories of stolen identities and I do not want that to happen to me. And yes Google is definitely going in the direction of Skynet. They are slowly taking over every form of entertainment and social well being on the internet and the real terrible thing about it all their services are just too user friendly to pass up.

  253. Thanks for continuing to come over and post all your amazing comments! I'm sorry I can't reply to every single one but I'm doing my best. I am sending out copies of Dollars & Sense to each of you as long as you leave me your email though — it may not be today, but I will get it to you in the next few days, I promise. 

    Remember, if I can help you individually, hit me on Facebook or Twitter @RachelintheOC, or sign up for the free social media web workshop I teach for the Indie Book Collective each month. The next one is 8/1. Sign up at Thx. 

  254. My biggest fear is getting on Facebook and giving my personal info to a (mostly) faceless corporation out to make big $, which is what they really want to do right?


  255. Becca permalink

    Hey Rachel,
    Looks like it's been a popular event!  I would love a copy of your book!   Best of luck.

  256. You bet, Becca. I'll get one out to you later, it's a promise! 

  257. Yea, FB is a little creepy from everything we read, ya know? It's a little big brother sometimes. I agree with you there. 

  258. I get what you're saying. Online security so important and just not giving out unnecessary info, even when asked — don't answer! They don't need to know my first dog's last name of its first grade teacher's phone number….ya know? 

  259. There is a skill to not coming across as a spammer, for sure. And even if you don't, sometimes people think that any form of self-promo is spam. Which it's not. It all depends on how you go about it. 

    We teach free social media classes at @IndieBookIBC that help a lot w/ just this issue. It's also in the book. I think you'll find it especially helpful. 🙂 

  260. I get that. Telemarketers are so annoying. As bad as spammers. So annoying! It is a useful book. I hope you enjoy it. 

  261. Awesome. I think you'll enjoy the freedom. Any question, hit me up or check out the Indie Book Collective. We have SO many resources! 

  262. Thx honey. Great answer. Paperless is certainly the way to go, at least for me. I have no paperback of my book and why bother? 70% of all books sold on Amazon are digital. Paper sales of all types are dying. What's the point? 

    We're going the way of WALL-E. 

  263. Yea, I turned off my G+ circle email notifications. It's not personal. I feel complete already. 

    But…Skynet wants what it wants. Resistance is futile. #sigh 

  264. As an author, I think we have to accept that not everyone will love our work and that's just the way it is. End of story. Just as in real life, not everyone will like us. 

    Your job is to be honest, right? People depend on your opinion when making a buy decision. That's what drives you as a reviewer. As an author, I hope to learn what you don't like and if it's something I can do differently. I may not, but at least it opens my eyes. 

    My opinion anyway … 

  265. I missed my email for yours earlier this week…I hope it's still available…..Also, as far a social media goes, I hate that bs can get started so easily and that people can find you (the ones you don't want to)…I've had to deal with this aspect because of my oldest child.

    hnwhitlock2000 at gmail dot com

  266. mr.boardgame permalink

    My biggest social media fear is giving away some bit of information that makes me a target for identity theft. My second biggest fear is looking like I'm not intelligent because of typos and grammar mishaps.

    Thanks for the freebie!

    mr.boardgame AT yahoo DOT com

  267. I've been on the sidelines and looking in this tour because I'm shy. A also suck at flirting. I feel awkward flirting with my husband even–married late in life. I don't really have social media fear–I have more fear talking on the phone to strangers :D. Anyway I wanted to go with someone I kinda know even if it's late. Like to check out this book since it may help me with some new tricks. New author=menial budget. Been on a lean budget a while. Here's my email for my “bookie wookie”.

  268. Margay1122 permalink

    Darn, sorry I didn't comment in time for a chance to win this book, but I've been deep in edits on my own.


  269. Robind D permalink

    My fear is what my ex threatened – he said he contacted everyone on my friends list and sent them private pictures. 

    Robin D
    robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com

  270. F Chen permalink

    I think my greatest fear is that I forget how public this way of communicating is, and I say or post things that are better left private!

    f dot chen at comcast dot net

  271. Adam permalink

    My fear is worrying that I won't have anything interesting to say – or that what I find interesting will not be interesting to others.

    adamtimetoteach AT gmail dot com

  272. I'm having so much fun with the menage a blog!

    Is there still time to participate?

    My biggest fear in social media is people unfollowing me =/

    I'll leave my email anyways! Can't wait to read your book!

  273. Teresa Kleeman permalink

    Hi Rachel,

    My biggest fear is failing at my part time job.  I'm a Marketing Director for a E-book publisher.  We are new and I'm so afraid that I'm going to let my authors down by promoting there books.  I belong to a lot of book chat groups and I know a lot of authors.  I do alot of promoting for charity events that I do and they seem to go over well but I'm still scared that I will let down my book authors at the publishing company.  My fear is promoting there books and not one sale comes from it.

    Teresa K.

  274. Okay, I want the free book. I've read (and reviewed) Leah's Wake and loved it. My greatest social marketing fear? Hmmm. That I'm doing it wrong. I read everything I can on it but still wonder if I'm missing something. And, as a publisher, I worry that some of my authors don't get it. Everything I read about selling as an indie is that social marketing is king, and I do see results with my own book, but some parts of it are confusing. Is there a use for that silly microblogging tool? See I can't even remember it's name. And I'm still struggling with managing Twitter. All those people who follow me and I follow, but it seems like the hashtags are what it's all about. However, I do find Novel Publicity to be a nice clearinghouse and guide for some of it.

  275. lilyk permalink

    My biggest fear is with regard to social media is being boring and not having anyone being interested in my posts/comments.

  276. Bonnie Rice permalink

    My biggest fear regarding social media is that I will say something really stupid and it will be the one thing that I am always remembered for. I type faster than I think

  277. I would LOVE a copy of this book, just got sad news from a publisher I was hoping would say yes, maybe self-publishing is the way to go!?!?

  278. Mary permalink

    I'd love a copy of your book. I've read great things about it. I'm going to have to self-publish my novel and quite frankly, even though I'd love to have an agent and a publisher, I'm quite excited about the possibilities. My only issue is not having an editor because I think that interaction could be really useful and educational, plus improve the book. But, I'm ready. Just would love some guidance. — Mary

  279. Mary permalink

    Oh, and as far as social media fears? What I find as a reader of twitter and FB is that much posted is not relevant to me in any way. How do authors post anything of value? It can't simply be self-promotion. What potential reader or, gasp, fan would appreciate that or stick with you for long? — Mary

  280. Bobbi permalink

    glad to see that someone has finally written the DEFINITIVE contemporary book to self-publishing, and can't wait to see it.  As for social media fears…I'm afraid that I'll accidentally post a rude comment about my mother that was supposed to go privately to my sister. 🙂

  281. My biggest fear is honestly spending too much time getting close to no where, what I hope for most is using my time and money effectively,  A good book that strangers love when they find it is not enough.
    Love to take a serious look at the definitive work.
    Wishing what every good dog already sees in you, the Best!
    Victor Brodt w JacktheDog

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